How to set up for tabling

There are many different ways to set up your table at an event, it is all about finding what works for you. Below is an example of how you might choose to display handouts, activities, and other visual components of pollinator outreach. 

Handouts are very important for events because they give visitors something to take home.  

Plants for Minnesota Bees: A list of popular plants for bees in Minnesota, along with information about when they bloom, how much shade they need, and if they are native. Access here

Creating Habitat for Stem Nesting Bees: Guide to cutting back plant stems to reveal hollow cavities for stem nesting bees. Also includes a list of plants that have these hollow cavities. Access here

Plant a Pollinator Tea Garden: A list of plants that are visited by bees, but can also be steeped into delicious teas for human consumption. Access here

More than Bumble Bees: This is a pie chart that represents the different bee species in the US. Access here

There are many different activities that are part of the Pollinator Toolkit that you can choose to display. Three favorites are the Pollinator Diversity matching game, the Pollinator Plate, and How Bees See Flowers. The Pollinator Trivia can be an excellent activity as well that doesn't need to be displayed, you can have the questions printed out and with you behind the table. 

For the sake of organization, it can help to group together similar content. The Bee Squad outreach team has a lot of bumble bee specific information that we organize together on the table, since we offer  programs that are particularly geared towards bumble bees. It also helps folks understand that bumble bees are just one group of pollinator. Again, this is just one optional method of organization. 

We have a specimen box that contains many of the bumble bee species found in Minnesota, a small bumble bee nest, and some bumble bee specific handouts. 

Guide to Minnesota Bumble Bees: Shows how to identify the 24 different species we have here in Minnesota and other parts of the Midwest. Access here