For more details about program history, expectations, and requirements, visit the Volunteer Handbook.
Pollinator Ambassadors is an application based program. A Pollinator Ambassador is a passionate leader in pollinator outreach and education. Pollinator Ambassador volunteers will spread information to various audiences about how pollinators are doing and action steps to support them. Volunteers accepted into the program will access trainings and receive a Pollinator Education Toolkit valued at $100.
Required qualifications:
1. Enthusiasm for insects, especially pollinating insects
2. Commitment to attend trainings (virtual and/or in person)
3. Commitment to present pollinator information at 5 events annually
Preferred qualifications:
1. Experience with public speaking and event coordination
2. Responsive to criticism, excited to improve skills
3. Experience working in science or with insects
Training Requirements
Training will be divided into multiple parts. Our training portal is accessed in Canvas. Course registration is provided after you apply and are accepted into the program. Part one is focused on pollinator biology and conservation, including topics such as pollinator importance, principles of pollination, pollinator diversity, actions to help pollinators, and more. Part two is focused on expectations while volunteering. We will cover what types of events Pollinator Ambassadors will attend, how to set up for tabling, FAQ, how to answer difficult questions, public speaking tips, and more. To complete part one of training, you must:
Attend virtual or in-person training sessions
You can find dates for upcoming trainings at on the “Events” page.
View each video in Canvas modules 1-11 along with other training content and discussion posts.
After completing each video, complete the accompanying quiz.
Part three is the evaluation portion of the training. To complete part three of training, you must:
Pass our cumulative evaluation.
Questions will relate to both part one and two.
Give a 5-minute talk to program leaders.
You may pick a topic of your choice. The goal of this presentation is to showcase your public speaking skills and abilities and receive feedback.
View the presentation rubric below.
Once you pass the final evaluation and complete your presentation, Congratulations! You are a Pollinator Ambassador! This means you are eligible to receive a free Pollinator Toolkit and engage in outreach events within their community.
To begin the training process, please Apply.
For a list of upcoming virtual or in person trainings, please visit Events.
Presentation Rubric
The final requirement as part of your Pollinator Ambassador training is to give a 5-minute talk to program leaders. You may choose the topic. Pick something you are passionate about; a hobby, a piece of information, something historical or biographical, whatever you feel confident presenting about.
The goal of this presentation is to showcase your public speaking skills. We want you to tell us a story. Please review the rubric below to understand the criteria we are looking for you to meet to complete your training. Review the volunteer handbook and the section on public speaking for tips and tricks.
Volunteer Expectations
Volunteers are required to attend or host a minimum of five events annually in order to continue participating in the program. Program leaders will help connect you to events.
Visit the Volunteer Handbook for more in depth information about volunteer expectations.