
Why become a Pollinator Ambassador? 

Pollinators are important for crop pollination and essential for ecosystem health across the globe. Pollinator education plays a vital role in overall pollinator conservation. As public concern for pollinators grows amidst declining pollinator populations, educators and researchers at the University of Minnesota Bee Lab are receiving more requests for educational events, talks, and other outreach than we can meet. To bridge the gap between demand for expert input and availability, we are aiming to train and equip volunteers, also known as Pollinator Ambassadors, with our Pollinator Education Toolkit in order to reach a wider audience across the state of Minnesota. 

Elaine Evans helping Pollinator Ambassadors identify bumble bees

We are looking for folks who are passionate about pollinators. Prior experience is not necessary, but is always appreciated! 

Requirements for volunteers include: 

If you are interested in participating in this program, please view our Requirements page to learn about applying, the training process, and volunteer expectations.